The embers seen in dreams represents your inner passion and your need for concentration. It can also reflect a negative situation and growing problems or a sense of life pressure. Sometimes the appearance of embers in a dream refers to objects made of iron or gold, then the dream draws your attention to a specific goal and prompts you to focus on it. In this case, you should also analyze the individual items.

Dream of Embers meanings and interpretation
Seeing embers in a dream means that you should calm down and cool down. Perhaps a certain situation has thrown you off balance. Stay calm and focus on what is important in your life.
When you see embers without fire in a dream, it means that your relationship is going through a crisis, which is why you are slowly moving away from your partner. Perhaps it is worth having an honest conversation with each other, or somehow fueling mutual relations.
The embers from heaven, according to the dream interpretation, indicates that you are suppressing your feelings for a certain person. You may be afraid of rejection and of being left alone as a result. In another sense, heat from heaven suggests that you have many competitors who are just waiting for your mistake.
Dreaming of embers from a furnace means that you will begin to feel strong stress and great uncertainty due to the situation in your professional life. In a positive sense, the dream indicates that something nice will happen to you that you will want to share with your loved ones.
Dreaming of pouring water on an ember indicates that you are confused. Soon, you will be faced with a difficult situation that will make it hard for you to concentrate on your usual duties.
Baking something in the embers portends an exciting journey in dreams. Perhaps you dream of a trip to the bosom of nature. You will take a short trip that will make you rest and gain additional energy for further activities.